How To Be A More Sustainable Pet Owner 

How To Be A More Sustainable Pet Owner 

We all know the joy our furry, feathery or scaly friends can bring into our lives however, as responsible pet owners, it’s important to consider the impact pets can have on the environment.  

But fear not, being a more sustainable pet owner does not mean sacrificing the things that make your pet unhappy. Here are some simple, mindful habits that can benefit the planet while keeping your beloved companion happy.  

1. Eco-Friendly Toys 

It’s hard to resist spoiling your pet, and trying to be sustainable shouldn’t stop this. Making a conscious effort to choose toys made from materials such as organic cotton or any recycled materials can lower your environmental impact.  

Avoiding plastic toys and choosing items that are more durable, and will therefore last longer, are also smarter choices. Additionally, passing on/gifting/swapping any unloved toys is a great way to be more sustainable.  

2. Mindful Waste Management  

Something simple like switching to compostable or biodegradable poo bags or cat litter is an easy way to reduce landfill waste. Composting dog waste can also be great as a fertilizer for growing your garden plants (just make sure you don’t use this for growing food!).  

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

These three R’s can be put into practice for both you and your pet. Examples include, repurposing old blankets into pet bedding or perhaps DIYing old materials to create a homemade toy for your furry friend. This is a creative way to reduce your environmental footprint and still spoil your pet. 

4. Support Small Eco-Conscious Brands 

Brands that prioritise sustainability and use eco-friendly initiatives often provide high-quality, environmentally conscious pet products. Supporting these smaller, sustainable businesses can contribute to your personal impact on the planet.  

5. Don’t Shop, Adopt 

If you’re considering expanding your extended family, then think about adopting from a shelter or rescue organisation instead. Giving an animal a second chance in life is not only emotionally rewarding, but also contributes to reducing the demands for commercially bred pets. 

Kiezebrink is constantly evaluating new products for introduction to the UK market. Law and regulation in food safety, traceability, and animal welfare are of major importance to the management of the company; this is encapsulated in our strapline, ‘Focus on Food’. Our mission is to supply high-quality, reliable and sustainable animal feed, along with excellent advice and service.

Browse our shop today and discover our wide range of eco-friendly raw pet food.