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Kiezebrink International

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French SMALL Quail - 8kg box (+/-35 quail)
French Small Quail (125 - 200gm each) in 8kg boxes.  This is raw animal food only. Not for h..

Alaska Cat - Beef/Chicken (250gm)
A healthy meal based on 70% beef and 30% chicken. Composition: 70% beef: meat (20%), meaty tongu..

Alaska Cat - Beef/Chicken - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)
Alaska Cat Beef/Chicken - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)A healthy meal based on 70% beef and 30% chicken. ..

Alaska Cat - Chicken (250gm)
A healthy meal based on 100% chicken. Composition 100% ..

Alaska Cat - Chicken - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)
Alaska Cat Chicken - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)A healthy meal based on 100% chicken. Composition ..

Alaska Cat - Combi Box (22 x250gm)
As Alaska Natural Cat Food does not contain added vitamins it is important to provide your cat with ..

Alaska Cat - Rabbit (250gm)
A healthy meal based on 100% rabbit. Composition: 100% Rabbit: meaty backs (67%), heart (9%), lu..

Alaska Cat - Rabbit - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)
Alaska Cat Rabbit - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)A healthy meal based on 100% rabbit. Composition:100% Ra..

Alaska Cat - Turkey (250gm)
A healthy raw meat meal based on 100% turkey. Composition: 100% Turkey: meaty backs (35%), ..

Alaska Cat - Turkey - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)
Alaska Cat Turkey - Bulk Box (22 x 250gm)A healthy raw meat meal based on 100% turkey. Compo..

Apple pieces IQF (10x10mm) - 10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen bramley apple. The apples are was..

Blackberries IQF - 13.6kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen blackberries. The blackberries ar..

Blackcurrants IQF - 10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen blackcurrants. The blackcurrants ..

Blue Berries IQF - 10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen blueberries. The blueberries are ..

Boskos Browser - 20kg
An acacia bush fiber based browser pellet for herbivores. Available in 20kg bags 10mm. Boskos Bro..

Boskos Grazer - 20kg
An African grass based grazer pellet for herbivores. Available in 20kg bags. Boskos Grazer Is esp..

Carrot Pieces IQF (10x10mm) - 10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen carrot. Diced carrot - 10 x 10mm Deliver..

Day Old Chicks - 1 kg BAG
The 1kg pack of Frozen Day Old Chicks contains about 25 chicks with and average weight of ..

Day Old Chicks - 10kg TRAY (approx 250 chicks)
The 10kg tray of Frozen Day Old Chicks contains about 250 chicks with and average weight of 40gms ea..

Day Old Chicks - 2 kg BAG
The 2kg pack of Frozen Day Old Chicks contains about 50 chicks with and average weight of ..

Day Old Chicks - 8 x 2kg BAGS (Bulk Box)
The 2kg pack of Frozen Day Old Chicks contains about 50 chicks with and average weight of ..

Day Old Rabbits - 500gm pack
Frozen day old rabbits which are sold in 500gm bags.Delivered frozen to your door. This is a ra..

DK Arabic Gum - 500gm pot
Description Feed for all kinds of gumnivorous animals such as: Bush babies, Fork-marked lemurs, ..

DK Red Panda Hi-fibre Diet - 10kg BAG
DescriptionDK Red Panda Hi-fibre Diet is a powder to which water should be added to form a cake.&nbs..

DK Tamarin & Marmoset Diet - 10kg BAG
Description Complementary feed for Callitrichidae species such as; Marmosets and Tamarins. A..

Duck Carcass (14 pcs) +/- 7kg box
A +/-7kg pack containing 7 frozen duck carcasses. The breasts and legs have been removed from t..

Duck Wings - 1kg pack
Composition100% Duck wingsAnalysisMoisture62%Protein17%Calcium1,46%Phosphorus0,86%Energy196 kcal/100..

Duck Wings - Bulk Box - (8 x 1kg)
A 1kg pack containing frozen duck Wings. Delivered frozen to your door. This is a raw product and..

Ex Layer Quail - Bag of 5
Ex-layer quail are older birds which have come to the end of their economic life as laying birds.&nb..

French Ex-Layer Quail - 8kg Box (+/-30 quail)
The 8kg box contains approximately 30 Quail with an average weight of about 250gm each. Ex-layer ..

Fresh Water Fish (Roach) block -10kg box
The Roach (Rutilus rutilus), also known as the Common Roach, is a fresh- and brackishwater fish of t..

Herring IQF  - Bulk Box (6 x 1kg)
Herring are forage fish, mostly belonging to the family Clupeidae. Herring are very high in the l..

Herring IQF - 10kg - Bulk Box
Herring are forage fish, mostly belonging to the family Clupeidae. Herring are very high in the l..

Herring IQF - 1kg Bag
Herring are forage fish, mostly belonging to the family Clupeidae. Herring are very high in the l..

Mackerel IQF - 1kg bag
Mackerel is a common name applied to a number of different species of pelagic fish, mostly, but not ..

Mackerel IQF - Bulk Box (6 x1kg)
Mackerel is a common name applied to a number of different species of pelagic fish, mostly, but not ..

Mango pieces IQF (10x10mm) -10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen mango pieces in 10 x 10 mm cubes with no ..

Mini Rabbit - (+/- 150gm)
Mini rabbits (rabbit fluffs) which are between rabbit pups and small rabbits. They weigh less t..

Mouse Pinks - 1kg pack (Bulk Buy)
1kg bag. Buy bulk and save. Baby mice with an average weight of 1.8gmAnalysis ..

Mouse Pinks - pack of 25
Frozen mouse pinks are also known as mouse pinkies. Mouse pinks are new born mice. Analysi..

Papaya pieces IQF (10x10 mm) - 10kg
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen papaya pieces in 10 x 10 mm cubes with no skin..

Pear pieces IQF (10mmx10mm) - 10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen pear pieces. The pears are washed..

Peas IQF - 10kg box
A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen Peas. Delivered frozen to your door. This is a raw pro..

Pigeons (Wild, Wood Pigeon) - Box of 10
These are STEEL SHOT whole in feather frozen Wood Pigeons which are an ideal food source for birds o..

Quail - Bag of 5
These prime Quail are bred in the UK.          &nb..

Quail Carcasses - 1kg Pack
Frozen Quail Bodies 1kg Pack. These quail bodies have had their breasts, legs and organs rem..

Rat Pups - pack of 25
Frozen Rat pups are baby rats with no hair. Available in packs of 25's Analysis ..

Raw Meat Supplement ( No Ca ) - 500gm Tub
RAW MEAT SUPPLEMENT For dogs and cats Suitable to supplement a raw meat diet containing bone..

Redcurrants IQF - 10kg box
Packaging: A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen redcurrants. The redcurrants are ..

Salmon bodies - 2 pieces/bag
These Salmon bodies are by-products of the human food industry. The fillets have been removed. Th..

Salmon bodies - Bulk Box - (8 x 2 pieces/pack)
These Salmon bodies are by-products of the human food industry. The fillets have been removed. Th..

Salmon heads - 2 pieces/bag
These Salmon heads are by-products of the human food industry. There are 2 frozen Salmon heads pe..

Salmon Heads - Bulk Box - (8 x 2 pieces/pack)
These Salmon heads are by-products of the human food industry. There are 2 frozen Salmon heads pe..

Salmon Parr (5-15gm) - 5.5kg block
These Salmon Parr (5-15gm) are sourced from Scotland where they have been reared in fresh water for ..

Sardines IQF - 10kg Box
Sardines, or pilchards, are common names used to refer to various small, oily fish within the herrin..

Sardines IQF - 1kg Bag
Sardines, or pilchards, are common names used to refer to various small, oily fish within the herrin..

Sardines IQF - Bulk Box - (6 x 1kg)
Sardines, or pilchards, are common names used to refer to various small, oily fish within the herrin..

Smelt IQF - 10kg box
The Smelt or Spiering (Osmerus eperlanus) occurs in fresh and in salt water. Our smelt is about 6 to..

Smelt IQF - 1kg
The Smelt or Spiering (Osmerus eperlanus) occurs in fresh and in salt water. Our smelt is about 6 to..

Sprats IQF (6x1kg) - Bulk Box
A Sprat is the common name applied to a group of forage fish which belong to the genus Sprattus in t..

Sprats IQF - 1kg bag
A Sprat is the common name applied to a group of forage fish which belong to the genus Sprattus in t..

Sprats IQF -10kg - BULK BOX
A Sprat is the common name applied to a group of forage fish which belong to the genus Sprattus in t..

Sweetcorn Kernels IQF - 10kg bag
A box with 10 kg individual quickly frozen Sweetcorn Kernels. Delivered frozen to your door. This..

Turkey Necks - 5kg
A 5kg pack containing frozen turkey necks. This is raw animal food only.Delivered frozen to your ..

UK Quail (+/- 220gm) - Box of 25
These UK bred Quail.               Each box of frozen Qua..
£56.00 £46.00

Wild Rabbit - each
Frozen Wild Rabbits which have been cage caught or rifle shot (not shotgun shot) and weigh betw..

DK Arabic Gum - 25kg
Gum Arabic, a natural gum also called gum acacia, is a substance that is taken from two sub-Saharan ..

Raw Meat Supplement (+ Ca) - 500gm Tub
RAW MEAT SUPPLEMENT PLUS CALCIUM  For dogs and cats Suitable to supplement a raw meat di..

Small Rabbit (200 - 500gm) - Each
Frozen Small rabbits which weigh less than 500gm.Delivered frozen to your door. This is a raw produc..

Regular Rabbit (500gm - 1kg) - each
Frozen Regular Rabbits which weigh between 500gm and 1kg.Delivered frozen to your door. This is a ra..

DK Training Biscuit (10mm) - 15kg
DescriptionComplementary feed for a variety of animals. Designed to be used for training purpo..

Large Rabbit (1 - 2kg) - each
Frozen Large Rabbits which weigh between 1kg and 2kg.Delivered frozen to your door. This is a raw pr..

Giant Rabbit (2 - 3.5kg) - each
Frozen Giant Rabbits which weigh between 2kg and 3.5kg.Delivered frozen to your door. This is a..

Extra-Giant Rabbits (3.5-5kg) - each
Frozen Extra-Giant Rabbits which weigh between 3.5kg and 5kg.Delivered frozen to your door. This is ..

Dark Mice (Mixed sizes) - 1kg bag
Frozen dark mice of a mixture of sizes in a 1kg bag. Ideal to feed to rehabilitating animals and bir..

Gerbil - LARGE (+40gm) - pack of 10
Frozen Large Gerbils which weigh above 40gm+ pack of 10 Analysis ..

Mouse Pinks - pack of 100
Frozen mouse pinks are also known as mouse pinkies. Mouse pinks are new born mice. Analysi..

Rabbits BOX - S (7-11 x 0.8 -1.3kg rabbits per box)
7-10 Frozen Rabbits in a box with individual weights between 0.8kg to 1.5kg. These ar..

Rat Fluffs - pack of 25
Frozen Rat fluffs are baby rats with fuzzy hair, also known as fuzzy rats Analysis ..

Rabbits BOX - M (4 x 2-3kg rabbits per box)
4 Frozen Rabbits in a box with individual weights between 1.8 - 3kg. These are adult rabbi..

Rabbits BOX - L (2 x 4-5.5kg rabbits per box)
2 Frozen Rabbits in a box with individual weights between 4 - 5kg. These are ex-breeder ra..

MINCED Day Old Chicks - 250gm sausage
Whole day old chicks are minced and packaged. These are used for hand rearing and as a food source f..

MINCED Day Old Chicks -1kg Sausage
Whole day old chicks are minced and packaged. These are used for hand rearing and as a food source f..

MINCED Day Old Chicks - 250gm - Bulk Box (40 x 250gm)
Whole day old chicks are minced and packaged. These are used for hand rearing and as a food source f..

MINCED Day Old Chicks - Bulk Box (10 x 1kg)
Whole day old chicks are minced and packaged. These are used for hand rearing and as a food source f..

Small Weaner Rat - (20-60gm) - pack of 5
Frozen Small Rat weaner which weigh between 30 – 60gm. Analysis ..

Whole Skinned Rabbit - Bulk Box (10 pieces)
Whole Skinned Rabbits which weight between 0.6 - 1kg each.  8 X Rabbits per box These rabb..

Whole Skinned Rabbit - each
 Whole Skinned Rabbits which weight between 0.8 - 1.5kg each.  These rabbits have been ski..

Small Weaner Rat - (20-60gm) - pack of 25
Frozen Small rat weaner which weigh between 20gm – 60gm. Available in a packs..

Large Weaner Rat - (60-90gm) - pack of 5
Frozen Large rat weaner which weigh between 60 – 90gm. Available individually or in packs of..

Mouse Fluffs - pack of 25
Frozen mouse fluffs which are also known as mouse fuzzies. Available in packs of 25'sAnalysi..

Large Weaner Rat - (60-90gm) - pack of 25
That is £0.82 each. Frozen Large rat weaner which weigh between 60 – 90gm. Avai..

Guinea Pig Large - (600-900gm) - each
Frozen Large Guinea Pig Which weigh 600- 900gmsDelivered frozen to your door. This is a raw product ..

Guinea Pig XL (+900gm) - each
Frozen Extra Large Guinea Pig 900gm Plus.Delivered frozen to your door. This is a raw prod..

Small Mouse - pack of 10 - (6-15gm)
Frozen small mice which weigh between 6gm - 15gm. Available individually or in packs of 10 and 25..

Small Rats - (90-150gm) - pack of 5
Frozen Small rats which weigh between 90 – 150gm. Pack of 5Analysis ..

Small Mouse - (8-15gm) - pack of 25
Frozen small mice which weigh between 8gm - 15gm and can come in mixed colours (white & black). ..

Regular Rats - (150-250gm) - Pack of 5
Frozen Regular Rat also know as a Medium Rat, which weigh between 150 – 250gm. Availabl..

Regular Mouse - (15-22gm) - pack of 10
Frozen regular mice also known as Medium mice and weigh between 15gm - 22gm. Available individual..

Regular Mouse - (15-22gm) - pack of 25
Frozen regular mice also known as Medium mice and weigh between 15gm - 22gm and can come in mixed co..

Horse MIX - 1kg - Bulk Box (10 x 1kg)
Description:10 x 1kg Horse Mix Bulk Box.This KB Mix exclusively contains horse as protein source, an..

Large Rats - PACK OF 5 (250-350gm)
Frozen Large rat which weigh between 250 – 350gm pack of 5. Analysis ..

Jumbo Rat (+350gm) - pack of 5
Our quality Jumbo Rats are a part of our wider Frozen Rats range. These rats weigh over 350gm each a..

Large Mouse - (22-30gm) - pack of 10
Frozen Large Mice which weigh between 25gm - 35gm. Available individually or in packs of 10 ..

Large Mouse - (22-30gm) - pack of 25
Frozen Large Mice which weigh between 22gm - 30gm and can come in mixed colours (white & bl..

Jumbo Mouse - (+30gm) - pack of 10
Frozen Jumbo Mice which weigh over 30gms. Available in packs of 10 and 25's.Analysis ..

Jumbo Mouse - (+30gm) - pack of 25
Frozen Jumbo Mice which weigh over 30gms. Available in packs of 10 or 25.Analysis ..

Ungraded Mice - per kg
Frozen ungraded mice in 1kg bags Analysis Moisture60%Protein21%De..

Salmon Mix - 1kg sausage
Description:1kg Salmon Mix This KB Mix exclusively contains salmon as a protein source. Salmon ..

Pheasant Mix - 1kg - Bulk Box - (10 x 1kg)
Description:10 x 1kg Pheasant Mix Bulk Box. This KB Mix exclusively contains pheasant as a protein s..

Quail MINCED - 1kg sausage
100% Quail; Body with head, without organs53% moisture, 16% protein, 24% fats, 0,1% fibre, 4,7% ash,..

Quail MINCED - Bulk Box - (10 x 1kg)
100% Quail; Body with head, without organs53% moisture, 16% protein, 24% fats, 0,1% fibre, 4,7% ash,..

Ducklings (+/- 70gm) - Box of 100
These are frozen whole medium sized ducklings which weigh between 100 - 200 grams each and come..

Grown on chickens - box of 15
This is a box of 15 small grown on frozen entire chickens which weigh between 150 -300gm each. Th..

Whole Chicken Small (+/-550gm)- 6kg Box
These are whole small frozen feathered chickens which weigh about 550gm each. They are packaged in a..

Squirrel - each
Whole cage caught squirrels. Ideal whole prey food source for birds of prey or small carnivores. Tai..

Showing 1 to 117 of 117 (1 Pages)