Delivery Route Map
Kiezebrink UK can offer free delivery for orders over £750 to registered customers in its own designated trucks on set routes on set dates. Please be aware that someone must be available to accept delivery and the delivery address must be accessible by a large truck (not residential cul-de-sac).
For information on our online next-day deliveries please click here.
For more information on our delivery routes, please see the map and delivery date table below. If you require any more information then please contact us on 01284 810779.
Routes |
Next Delivery (date) |
Next Delivery (day) |
Following Delivery (date) |
Following Delivery (day) |
1) North |
27th - 31st January |
Monday - Friday |
10th - 14th February |
Monday - Friday |
2) Hatchery |
27th, 28th January |
Mon., Tues. | 3rd February |
Monday |
3) Norfolk |
24th January (SOUTH) |
Friday | 7th February (NORTH) |
Friday |
4) South Wales |
17th - 18th February |
Monday - Tuesday |
17th - 18th March |
Monday - Tuesday |
5) Hertfordshire |
5th February |
Wednesday |
19th February |
Wednesday |
6) Suffolk |
29th January |
Wednesday |
12th February |
Wednesday |
7) Essex | 31st January |
Friday |
14th February |
Friday |
8) South West |
5th - 7th February |
Wednesday - Friday |
5th - 7th March |
Wednesday - Friday |
9) Southern |
17th - 18th February |
Monday - Tuesday |
17th - 18th March |
Monday - Tuesday |
10) Kent |
30th January (NORTH) |
Thursday | 12th February (SOUTH) |
Friday |
11) Newcastle |
29th - 30th January |
Wednesday - Thursday |
26th - 27th February |
Wednesday - Thursday |
12) Scotland |
19th - 21st February |
Wednesday - Friday |
19th - 21st March |
Wednesday - Friday |
13) London |
23rd January |
Thursday | 6th February |
Thursday |